If you see a GAME BLOCKED message or if a game does NOT LOAD in 3-5 minutes even after page refresh - this is not blocked by us.Try using a VPN or Proxy service in case you are having a problem with Blocking or Connection Reset or see that Game does Not Load properly.Note: If the game is taking a while to load, please press Ctrl and F5 buttons on your keyboard at the same time to refresh the page without local cache.
To place a gem onto the board, click/tap, hold and drag onto the desired space.Īmazing Stick Hex can be played on both mobile and desktop browsers.īefore you submit an error report, please review these common issues & solutions: Some fill in horizontally, others diagonally and others do all sides the first two levels will act as great tutorials to help you get a better understanding of the game. To do this, you will need to place a few gems into the correct spaces on the board to fill in certain areas, as each gem functions differently.
#Hexagon puzzle game dreamcast how to#
How to Play: Once in-game, your object will be to fill in all empty hexagon spaces within the grid board. This game is sure to become a welcome addition to your daily routine! These starts, in turn, can be used to pay for hints should you really get stuck later on. This is also a game that awards careful planning and a more think before you leap mentality, as the few mistakes you make, the more stars you will earn. Visit and join us on Twitter and Linkedin.Amazing Sticky Hex is a quirky and beautiful addition to the puzzle game genre where you need to fill in all the empty hexagons on the grid board by placing various shiny gems into the right spots. If you want to know more about what game reskin is and also how we reskin our games visit Our Article about Game Reskinīe the first one who gets the information about our New Products and Best Offers: Also, We can implement your brand logo, API, AdMob and AdSense, your links, etc. We can reskin the game (theme, graphics, music, characters, etc.) according to your requirements and orders. You can use our games for publishing, online game campaigns or your website. We can reskin all our games according to your opinions and suggestions. This game is made with Construct2, and we have reskinned “Connection” with beautiful graphics and new theme. If you want to visit more similar games visit HereĪll the assets of Hex Pipes are designed with DoonDookStudio including graphic design and music. This HTML5 connection game and “Connection Line” both have been exclusively sold to Also, the colorful pipes are so mesmerizing and you you will be fascinated. This game can be so interesting to you and the game is so addictive. This connection game is so amazing and the background design is a beautiful farm. The pipes attach underground in the soil to pump the water up and you will win the level.īy passing the levels it gets more difficult.
In this game you have to connect the pipes in the hexagon holes under the ground with the touch so that no point is left unattached. This game is an incredibly beautiful reskin of our fun game “Connect Lines”. Hex Pipes is a new HTML5 Connection game.